Lost motor vehicle registration card TRA Tanzania successfully procedures to observe

Lost motor vehicle registration card TRA Tanzania successfully procedures to observe

Lost motor vehicle registration card TRA Tanzania successfully procedures to observe, Tanzania through it board of registering motor vehicle which is necessary and required if you have take all necessary steps or procedures that you need to observe during motor vehicle registration. It is compulsory for you to register all the motor vehicles that you own to TRA so as it can be easy for them to know and identify on how ways they can help you in case you lost your Motor vehicle registration card, so that you can get cover from them.

History of TRA

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 11 of 1995, and started its operations on 1st July 1996.  In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law, and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.

For more details about TRA – Tanzania please visit Tanzania Revenue Authority

Also read:

Lost motor vehicle registration cards

Lost motor vehicle registration cards

Procedures to follow when you have lost your Motor vehicle registration Cards: –

1. To publish the loss Advertisement in a newspaper concerning the loss of motor vehicle Registration Card and mention the MV registration number and the place of lost.

2. Write a letter to the TRA Regional Manager to apply a duplicate Motor vehicle registration card.

3. You are required to fill a form MV 40 with the following attachments: –

(i) Photocopy of the advertisement published in the newspaper

(ii) Police Loss report

(iii) Motor Vehicle inspection report

(iv) The true copy of identity cards, either Driving license, voter’s registration card, National ID, or Passport.

(v) Bring affidavit to verify the ownership of motor vehicle registration number

(vi) Motor vehicle is supposed to be brought to TRA office for verification by TRA officer

(vii) Recent Passport size photograph of the owner

(viii) Owner’s mobile phone number

(ix) Photocopy of the lost Motor Vehicle Card

(x) If TRA will not receive any objection after 30 days from the day it was advertised in a newspaper on the loss of motor vehicle registration Card, the owner will be informed and be required to pay TSH. 50,000 for the duplicate motor vehicle registration card.

For more details please visit what to do in case you lost your card

TRA Contact Us


Postcode:28 Edward Sokoine Drive,11105 Mchafukoge,

Ilala CBD, P.O.Box 11491,

Dar es salaam, Tanzania 

TRA Call Centre

Please use the call centre for general enquiries, requests, complaints and report or obtain information on the availability of TRA business systems. All TRA customers are encouraged to use this service from wherever they are.

Calls from Tanzania will be free:

0800 750 075

0800 780 078

0800 110 016

The call centre working hours is from 08.00 am to 07.00 pm East African time, Monday to Friday except public holiday.

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